Founder and initiator

Andreas Brandner
Global Chairman and Managing Director Knowledge City GmbH
Andreas is the founder and global chairman of He is a world-leading advocate for knowledge management and sustainable knowledge societies, advisor, trainer, researcher and book author in the fields of knowledge management and knowledge-based development. He has more than 20 years of experience in these fields, and established KM Austria, KM Academy and KM Associates in 2001. He is initiator of several networks, in 2017 he established the Knowledge for Development Partnership, of which he is currently Managing Director. He co-authored the global Agenda Knowledge for Development and through he is currently advising companies, NGOs, public bodies, and international organizations in more than 20 countries around the world.
Meet the teams of
Berlin, Germany

Günter Penzenauer
Managing Director, Knowledge City Germany GmbH
Günter is one of the managing directors and financier of Knowledge City Germany. He is among other things an ontology expert for IT systems, data processing specialist, Cross Life Cycle Manager and member of the Steering Committee of Knowledge Management Austria. His main area of responsibility is to convey his knowledge and the overall organisation of this network.

Martina Penzenauer
Assistant Manager, Knowledge City Germany GmbH
Martina studied English, History and Political Education in Linz as well as Public Management in Vienna. She is a certified data protection officer and information security manager. As part of Knowledge.City.Germany she brings in her expertise and organisational skills wherever needed.

Tina Koch
Senior Consultant, Knowledge City Germany GmbH
Tina is establishing Münster and Berlin as knowledge cities and coordinates global activities on this network. She is knowledge manager and trainer. After she has studied KM in Vienna she gained various experience in the private and non governmental sector such as KM-A (Vienna), GIZ Algerié (Algiers) and Zalando (Berlin).
Gaborone, Botswana

Esther Kamovete MSc
Managing Director,
Esther is an experienced entrepreneur and business development expert. She has a Master in Business Entrepreneurship and years of practical experience and strategic knowledge in the field of Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Performance Management. Esther is experienced in Communication Management and Stakeholder Engagement. Her passion is on working towards a Knowledge Agenda for Botswana, facilitating the National Knowledge Partnership, providing KM Educational programmes, advancing knowledge industries, profiling Gaborone as a Knowledge City and transforming Botswana into a sustainable knowledge society.
Harare, Zimbabwe

Charles Dhewa
Charles is managing director at Knowledge Transfer Africa, and partner of in Zimbabwe. He is consultant and trainer in knowledge management with a passionate focus on agricultural development. He has won the Global Knowledge Management Award in 2019. He is core team member of the km4dev community and a widely recognized expert in agricultural knowledge management.
Kampala, Uganda

Joy Birungi
Managing Director, Knowledge Hub Uganda Ltd.
Joy Birungi is Managing Director of Knowledge Hub Uganda Ltd. She has an academic background (Msc) in Public Health Management and Policy from the American University in Beirut (Lebanon) and in Environmental Studies from Kyambogo University (Uganda). Her work experience in International Organisations (UNICEF), international NGOs (World Vision) and private companies made her a generalist. Passionately she cares for youth development in Uganda and liaises with the K4DP Global Youth Conferences (GYCO). She manages the Academy in Uganda and is a passionate facilitatator of Knowledge for Development Partnership meetings.

Mary Suzan Abbo
Director, Knowledge Hub Uganda Ltd.
Mary Suzan is country director of in Uganda and managing director of Knowledge for Development Partnership. She is an expert in knowledge management and renewable energy.

Mary Kevine Akoth
Management Associate, Knowledge Hub Uganda Ltd.
Mary Kevine is the management associate at in Uganda since 2017. She has a first degree in Development studies and a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management. Previously she has worked as a senior human resource officer at Excel Insurance Company, Planit Uganda Limited and Centre for research in energy and energy conservation as a consultant. With a working experience of 8 years, she has laid hands on practical management of both people and other resources to achieve intended outputs. With both a management and community development background she has trained as a major trainer for four companies in the recent past and been able to oversee training programs for over 100 staff/trainees. She has also had the opportunity to lecture students as a senior lecturer at the collaborative institute in Kampala.
Lagos, Nigeria

Prince Lekan Fadina +
Founder, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Lekan was an economist, scholar, management consultant and educationist. He has been involved for about two decades in the United Nations System as negotiator in trade, environment, climate change and sustainable development. He has served in various capacities in governments, private sector and international organizations. He was an alumnus of Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, USA and past President Harvard University Graduate School of Business School Alumni Association of Nigeria. He was very passionate on knowledge and well devoted to knowledge services as driver of achieving growth and sustainable development.
Lekan has been the founder of Knowledge Hub Nigeria and has laid the foundation for its fruitful development. He left us and passed away in October 2022. His spirit of love, knowledge, partnership and continuous development will always be with us.

Prince Lekan Fadina
Managing Director, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Lekan is a graduate of computer science and a certified management trainer. He has been involved from the beginning in the establishment of Lagos.Knowledge.City and the Knowledge for Development Initiative Nigeria.
He is the Managing Director of Knowledge Hub Nigeria and Trustee of the Knowledge for Development Initiative.

Monday Edet
Programmes Officer, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Monday is the programmes officer. He is a computer scientist and researcher. He has undertaken various information and communication projects. He coordinates the various programmes of Knowledge.Hub.Nigeria.

Kayode Oluokun
Marketing Services Officer, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Kayode is the Marketing Services Specialist with responsibility for introducing the Knowledge.City, Knowledge.Hub and knowledge services to the Nigerian market with population of over 200 million.

Mike Simire
Urban Planner and Environment Specialist, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Mike is urban planner and environmentalist. He is responsible for communicating the concept of innovative city.

Adaora Amujiogu
Technologist, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
Adaora brings her knowledge, speciality and interest in technology into Lagos.Knowledge.City. She is also in charge of our gender issues and activities in creating a knowledge friendly environment.

James Chidi
Sustainability Officer, Knowledge Hub Nigeria LtD/GTE
James is sustainability specialist. His responsibility involves aligning the concept of with sustainable development goals and professional services of Knowledge.Hub.Nigeria.
Lisbon, Portugal

Diego Costa
Partner, in Lusophone countries
Diego works with knowledge management since 2012 and is establishing in the Portuguese speaking countries. He has experience in the private sector, public agency, and the United Nations. With a diversified portfolio in different businesses, he interacted with diverse company departments. He graduated in social communication, has an MBA in Business Intelligence and is pursuing a second master degree in Human Rights at the University of Vienna.
Lomé, Togo

Atsu Sename
Manager Général, Knowledge City Togo Ltd.
Atsu est un sociologue-planificateur, spécialiste en gouvernance locale et décentralisation. Il a accompagné en près de 10 ans plusieurs collectivités locales au Togo. Depuis 2010, Il a développé une expertise en management des connaissances dans le cadre de ses fonctions. Il a co-fondé Knowledge.City in Togo dont-il assure les fonctions de manger général.
Lusaka, Zambia

Dean Mulozi
Managing Director, Knowledge City Southern Africa Ltd.
Dean is managing director for Knowledge.City.Southern Africa and is based in Lusaka, Zambia. He obtained his basic education in agriculture development from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA Centre for Cooperatives. In Zambia and Manzini, Swaziland he studied project management with focus on rural development. Dean worked in various foreign funded development projects including the United Nations in the republic of Maldives south East Asia under the UNDP/UNV Atoll Island Development Programme. During his field experiences, he managed ICT for development projects. He is currently also the chairperson for Africa Union Zambia Chapter and Southern Africa Telecentre Network.
Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Leschenko
Country Director, Knowledge City Russia
Vladimir is an experienced Knowledge Management expert and practitioner with work experience at Roscosmos and other leading Russian companies. He is Manager of the Moscow office and coordinating the KM-Alliance, a network of more than 200 KM professionals in Russia.
Vladimir is member of the global team for the development of the ISO:30401 Standard on Knowledge Management and Regional Representative of the Knowledge for Development Partnership for the Russian speaking countries.
Münster, Germany

Günter Penzenauer
Managing Director, Knowledge City Germany GmbH
Günter is one of the managing directors and financier of Knowledge.City Germany. He is among other things an ontology expert for IT systems, data processing specialist, Cross Life Cycle Manager and member of the Presidium of Knowledge Management Austria. His main area of responsibility is to convey his knowledge and the overall organisation of this network.

Tina Koch
Global Coordination, Knowledge City Germany GmbH
Tina is consultant and trainer in the field of Knowledge Management, protoing KM in Münster and Berlin. After her studies of KM in Vienna, she was assistant manager of the Knowledge Management Academy (KMA) and gained various experience in the private and non-governmental sector such as GIZ Algerié (Algiers) and Zalando (Berlin).
Nairobi, Kenya

Wambui Wanjiku
Managing Director, Knowledge City Ltd. Kenya
Wambui is managing director for Nairobi.Knowledge.City. She has working experience with private, government and intergovernmental organizations. Wambui has implemented projects on innovation, energy, ICT across East Africa. She is an expert in information and knowledge management and is a project management professional.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Yanko Yanev
Managing Director, Sofia Knowledge City Ltd.
Yanko is a well known and recognized expert in Bulgaria, being professor or chemistry at the University of Sofia and head of the regulary body for nuclear affairs. He is founder and managing director of Sofia.Knowledge.City Ltd. and developed the Cluster Sofia.Knowledge.City in cooperation with more than 20 public and private bodies in Bulgaria. He served as head of the unit for Nuclear Knowledge Management at the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency for almost 20 years and is an outstanding pioneer for KM in the United Nations System. His achievements in KM at the IAEA have been recognized widely and he contributed significantly so safety and security through professional KM in any kind of nuclear application. He authored many books, articles, guidelines and standards in KM and is consulting authorities and big companies globally.
Vienna, Austria

Andreas Brandner
Global Chairman, Managing Director Knowledge City GmbH (Vienna)
Andreas is the founder and global chairman of He is a world-leading advocate for knowledge management and sustainable knowledge societies, advisor, trainer, researcher and book author in the fields of knowledge management and knowledge-based development. He has more than 20 years of experience in these fields, and established KM Austria, KM Academy and KM Associates in 2001. He is initiator of several networks, in 2017 he established the Knowledge for Development Partnership, of which he is currently Managing Director. He co-authored the global Agenda Knowledge for Development and through he is currently advising companies, NGOs, public bodies, and international organizations in more than 20 countries around the world.

Petra Herout
Managing Partner, Knowledge City GmbH (Vienna)
Petra is consultant and trainer for knowledge management and focuses on knowledge management in non-profit organisations, experience capitalization as well as knowledge for development. With over a decade of experience in development cooperation in Latin America and Africa, she supports the establishment and development of Knowledge. City. Togo, Uganda and Kenya as well as global activities in the network.

Louise Deininger
Art Director, and Chairwoman, GYCO
Louise is founder and global chairwoman of K4DP Global Youth Conference (GYCO), the youth programme of the global Knowledge for Development Partnership. GYCO in Uganda is giving young people – currently more than 600, specifically those effected by the North-Ugandan postwar conflict – hope, self confidence, passion for knowledge and education, as well as entrepreneurial skills. The partnership of GYCO and K4DP is a wonderful alliance, linking the power of youth and the power of knowledge, a unique potential specifically in Africa.
Louise is also conceptual artist whose works focus on critical thinking about human consciousness with emphasis on the mind and its modifications. She carries out extensive research on how spiritual science, metaphysics, quantum theory, human development and other subject matters not limited to identity affect us. Louise creates knowledge art – that reflects on knowledge in its various aspects – herself and manages the as a unique space and art collection on knowledge art.